An Overview of the Work
The Young Londoner’s manifesto is a collaboration with the youth sector and young people, outlining a series of asks for the London Mayor and the Greater London Authority, with the vision to co-create London as the best City to grow up in. Young people designed a survey, facilitated peer research, hosted events and created social media to profile the vision. Over 100 organisations have endorsed this vision and the collaboration needed to improve the City. There were 3 aspects to this work:
Young Londoners Manifesto - collating case studies and policy asks across the youth sector
A Fairer London - peer research on co-produced policy solutions with young Londoners
Empowering Voices, Inspiring Change - a review of the impact of youth engagement and policy solutions by young people
‘The report summarises the key issues that young people face in London, and what we can learn from young people’s lived experiences. This report has been designed with young people for policy makers, youth sector groups and young people. This report highlights the data we have gathered from a range of sources over the last few months; a peer research designed survey, a youth engagement event, case studies from diverse youth organisations and a manifesto for the London Mayoral elections.
‘As part of the peer research advisory board, we have been working to gather insight and data and also the solutions that many young Londoners need to make London a Fairer City. Peer research is important as we learn a lot from our peers, young people’s voices have to be part of future decision making. London is a very diverse city and it is important that young Londoners’ views and needs are reflected in policy and decision making.’ Firdaus Adebola, Peer Research Board.
The reports can all be viewed via this link